Saturday, January 4, 2014

You've Got Mail!

As a child I have always enjoyed checking the mailbox.  I would get so excited to see a surprise letter or random card from a friend or relative and I have realized that since I have gotten older, not much has changed.  I think I am the only person at the ripe ol' age of 30 (cough, cough) who looks and waits with eagerness for the mail carrier to walk up on my porch at 3:30pm, and then starts to panic that he isn't coming if I haven't seen him by 4pm.

I know! I know!  I need a life, but I can't help but love surprises--and when it comes to receiving mail, it is always full of surprises...I just never know what he is going bring.  I will admit that sometimes I simply wish he would have just lost my mail due to an unexpected bill (usually this happened when doing infertility treatments and tests), but then there are those rare days when I get an unexpected card or gift from a friend.  It's those little surprises that keep me in eagerness and anticipation for the mail carrier, because those unexpected surprises from a loved one telling me they are thinking of me, love me, or are praying for me, can magically heal my hurts, make a bad day better, and give me more hope and strength to keep going.


I experienced this first hand on Wednesday when I checked the mail and found an unexpected package addressed to "Elisha, Dan and Josiah Kearns".  My old college roommate and bestie sent me a card with words of encouragement as well as this special flannel onsie for Josiah.  She said that it reminded her of a "mini Daniel", because if you know my hubby, he LOVES to wear his flannels and He would probably wear them everywhere if I allowed him.  Seeing this cute flannel and imagining the two of them matching was enough to make me say "awe", cry happy tears, smile, and get excited for better days; it jolted a shot of life back into my spirit. 

It's the simple gifts, gestures, cards, and kind words that can make this journey a little more bearable and keep the hope alive within my heart.  Especially as the wait gets longer and the time drags on at an agonizing snail pace.  
Throughout this tough journey, I have learned that so much good can come from a simple $3 card, and I have always been taught that the greatest blessing is to be a blessing.  Therefore, if you would like the mailman to deliver unexpected cards filled with prayers, hope, and love--email me at or comment below your address.  I would love to send you something that could put a smile on your face or give you hope to carry on.  Also, feel free to "reblog" this in case there is someone in your friend circle that could use some encouraging cards in the mail as well.

P.S. I promise to not stalk you, egg you, tp your house, peek in your windows, or send you poisonous chemicals :) I will also not share information with others. That would just be creepy.  

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