Monday, October 21, 2013

A Message from God

Have you ever been anointed with oil?  I have not, but during the church service on Sunday (October 20, 2013), my husband Daniel and I (along with many, many others at my church) were being anointed as spiritual warriors for Christ.  While standing in line waiting and worshiping God, my time had come.   Mr. Boyd, the man anointing others with oil, placed the oil and his hand on my head and kept it there for a moment before then placing his other hand on my husbands head.  I noticed immediately that he didn't speak or pray over us as he had been doing with the others; instead he remained quiet for a few moments.  Then suddenly he put more oil on his hands and slapped the palm of my hand with oil and then slapped the palm of my husbands hand with oil.  He immediately joined our hands together and placed each of his hands on our foreheads.  The next few moments are a blur but I remember his first sentence and a few other sentences...He said, "Thus saith the Lord...blessings are coming to your household...hard times are now over and the season of sadness is over.  I (God) have seen you thirsty and seeking after me and your reward is coming." 

 I know he said more than that and I usually have an awesome memory but for some strange reason I only remember those few sentences.  After church I asked Daniel what he could remember (I didn't tell him yet what little I remembered) and he could only remember the same sentences I had heard.  I have racked my brain all day trying to remember every detail but I have come to realize it doesn't matter the details---blessings are coming to our home! The sadness is over!  Hallelujah! 

 I don't know what the blessings are but I'm excited!  I can't wait to see what God has in store for us--He never disappoints and He has only good and perfect gifts :)  Praise God!  I can't help but get all giddy inside! I know that I may not see these blessings immediately or even in the next month but I am reminded of Romans 8:25 (NLT) "But if we look forward to something we don't yet have, we must wait patiently and confidently."   Every morning that I wake up I am going to be looking around every corner with expectation for God's blessings.  I will remain steadfast, patient and confident in the things to come.  

(Another cool fact from the day is that to my knowledge, Mr. Boyd, the man anointing us with oil, does not know our circumstances.  In fact I have never spoken to him...not even saying "hi" in passing. He is unaware of our infertility struggles and the heartache we have endured over the last several years.  God is good and he spoke to me at the perfect time through a person who doesn't know our struggles. I believe that if Mr. Boyd had known our struggles I would attribute his "message from the Lord" as his own personal "feelings" or "thoughts" based upon his knowledge of us as a couple.  God knows my skeptical mind all too well and I'm thankful He chose to use someone who is unaware of the difficulties we have been facing.)


  1. wow wow wow!! Amen Lord, we say bring those blessings! How cool! So encouraged by your posts and would love to hear more about your story and the church y'all go to etc! Very encouraging :) And yes, I love being anointed ;) We actually did it ourselves a few weekends ago and then was anointed at the healing service we go to just last week!

    1. Thank you so much Caroline! I'm really excited! The church I attend is Crossroads Bible Church in Norris City, IL. I LOVE IT! It is non-denominational. I have posted a very popular sermon my pastor just did a few weeks ago about mustard seed faith. I have shared it with many people and they have testified it has changed their life and their outlook on their situation. It is about 42 minutes and worth every second of your time. Let me know if you watch it and what you think :)
