Thursday, July 18, 2013


Let them praise the LORD for his great love and for the wonderful things he has done for them.”
Psalm 107:8 (NLT)

Below are three testimonies that H.O.P.E. received this past week from women who follow the or Facebook page.  God is faithful and has done so many wonderful miracles.  He wants to always show up and show out but we must put ALL of our HOPE and FAITH in Him.  I hope that you are encouraged, your hope is renewed and your faith is strengthened through these awesome testimonies.  

Hi Elisha,
I read your blog on July 10th about sharing any victory we have had even if it is small. I feel that I must share it for my complete healing. His Word says we are victorious by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony (Rev. 13:11.) I read your story on the HOPE blog in May. I came across it on Facebook one day. I decided to read it not knowing that God had something for me in your testimony. Though I have not had infertility issues, I have had hormonal problems. Two and a half years ago, I had a tubal ligation (my tubes tied). I went off birth control since it was no longer needed. I figured it may take a while for my body to balance out, but I was not prepared for over two years of instability. My outward symptoms were spotting between periods and many skin problems. When I read your blog, faith arose in me and I thought if Elisha can be healed of hormonal issues, then I can too. I claimed my healing and declared it over my body. Since then I have had no spotting between periods. Praise God! I continue to trust Him for the outward manifestation of healing for my skin. Thank you for your obedience to God in sharing HOPE. I am sure many others will find victory through this ministry as well.

God bless you!


Psalm 5:3 (NIV) “In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly"

 Isaiah 54:1-3 “Sing, barren woman, you who never bore a child; burst into song, shout for joy, you who were never in labor; because more are the children of the desolate woman than of her who has a husband,” says the Lord. “Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes.  For you will spread out to the right and to the left; your descendants will dispossess nations and settle in their desolate cities.”

These scriptures come to mind when I am praying for my friends who have not had a child YET. I too was unable to have children. I tried for 6 years with no fruit. I prayed, cried, prayed some more, and then lost faith that I would have a baby of my own. When I stopped praying and went on fertility meds, I felt horrible inside. I took those meds for 7 months with no results. It was when I began praying again and just KNEW that I was meant to have a baby (no fertility pills) that God blessed me with a son.....then a daughter.....then was able to have a beautiful baby for my sister that had lost hers to SIDS and miscarrying. God KNEW I was not ready for a baby when I was trying SO hard to conceive. It was only when I gave HIM complete control of my thoughts and actions that He blessed me with my first child. I don't know why I am telling you these things, I just feel ......compelled. My story is long and I just want you to know that I will stand in fervent prayer and I will wait EXPECTANTLY with these women who so desperately wanting children. Poppa God is ALWAYS good and ALWAYS on time!  

*(Note from Elisha) I believe the two scriptures she provided are essential to pleasing God.  First, seek him first thing in the morning.  It sets the tone for the day and keeps you focused on Him.  Second, sing to Him.  Sing praises!  Hannah and Mary both sang praises to God when they conceived.  He loves to hear you sing…sing your requests and praises to Him today. 


Hey! I've been thinking about you lately and how much I appreciate what God has lead you to do. I've been doing good. It's a beautiful thing when you truly have Hope, Faith and Trust in God. I've been reading Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in his Presence by Sarah Young. It's meant to be a daily devotional but I cheat and read until my hearts full. I've had this book for a while but think I was meant to read it now. It's like God is speaking to me and everything I read pertains to my life in the present. Like I've said before, when you seek He answers. I've started working on other areas of my life as well as building my relationship with God. He's opening doors in my life that I thought were fine and is showing me how much better they can be when I truly strive to live for Him and put Him first. And this is just the beginning, I still have so much to learn from Him. Sorry I get pretty excited about all this and tend to ramble. I read a blog a few weeks ago about being a Godly Wife.  It was eye opening, and it talked about when you put God first everything else just seems to fall into place. And man was it right; I feel that's what's happening in my life. I still have so much to fix and learn and a lot more spiritual growing to do but I'm already seeing changes. No more worry and fear but a lot more hope, faith and trust that everything will be okay and not just with his deployment but everything. I still have times when I feel overwhelmed with emotions but I took your advice and will talk to God until I feel at peace. 

A woman who attends the H.O.P.E. meetings had an ultrasound several weeks ago and was told her unborn child had a cyst on her head and her femur bone was measuring too short.  The ultrasound technician assured it was "okay" but will monitor the issues.  We prayed for her and the baby that she would be completely healed and restored with nothing lacking and everything made new. We stood on God's Word that according to Psalm 139:14 that she is fearfully and wonderfully made...I am happy to report that during the last ultrasound the cyst is gone and her femur bone is measuring normal. Praise God!   

If you have a testimony from H.O.P.E. or one that you would like other H.O.P.E. ladies to hear please send it to the facebook page

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