The Devil ALMOST got me!
The Devil almost got a "win" yesterday. I was on day 35 of my cycle (I usually have a 36 day cycle) and I wasn't having my typical PMS symptoms that I normally begin to have on day 28. Needless to say, until yesterday, I was VERY excited!! Not because I "thought" I was pregnant but the symptoms I normally have are indicators that I am not ovulating. I had been praising God and sharing with everyone my "success in the process" story...that is until the symptoms arrived yesterday. I wasn't "devastated" but I was disappointed and while I didn't lose faith that his promises would be fulfilled, I did take my focus off the "unseen" and I began to concentrate, think about and focus on my thoughts, feelings, and natural circumstances. This is NEVER a good place. The Devil begins to whisper thoughts of doubts when you take your focus off God and His Word. But the Holy Spirit quietly whispered, "What are you doing? Has your cycle started yet?" I knew at that moment I had to quit looking at the "natural" because it can all change in a split second...nothing is impossible with God and I know that it is pleasing to Him if I continue to hold true to His Word and see the "unseen".
This picture was then brought to my mind...
What if my breakthrough is just right around the corner? What if the devil is throwing these "symptoms" at my way just to see if I will "waver/doubt" so that he can turn to God and say..."SEE! She isn't faithful!" At that moment I told the Devil he wont win...he has won before but today he can move on to someone else because I wont live by what I see, I wont live by what I feel.
I was reminded of this scripture: Hebrews 10:35-36 (NIV) says, "So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised."
I grabbed a dry erase marker and wrote on our bathroom mirror two things: "I will not live by what I see! I will not live by what I feel!" and Luke 1:45 "Blessed is she who has believed the Lord will fulfill His promise to her!"
Yesterday was a struggle...but I didn't give up and I kept God's Word in my heart and on my lips. If I hadn't, I would have fallen back into doubt which is not pleasing to God and without faith, it is impossible to please God. Just like I want to please my earthly daddy....I want to please my heavenly daddy too.
Team Elisha/God: 2
Team Devil: 0
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