Friday, May 17, 2013


Testimony:   A woman found HOPE in the
midst of her husband’s deployment

"For a while now my heart has been heavy, filled with worry and fear of my Husband's upcoming tour. I have prayed and prayed to God, giving him my fear and worry and yet my heart is still heavy. My worry and fear is still there. Last night I came across a friend’s link about the H.O.P.E. page and on this page I found the answer to my question that I hadn't even asked. God knows all, he knows our struggles and our heart and when we seek him he will answer. And his answer was loud and clear, I needed Hope and Faith. I could pray and pray but without that hope and faith I would never defeat the worry and fear that Satan has laid on my heart. We are given these tools to defeat Satan yet mine were unused. But I am using them now. With the help of H.O.P.E. I have been voicing my truths, my hope and my faith in God. I have spoken: God I am strong, I do not fear, I do not worry, I know you will protect my Husband and I know you will bring him home to me. And God answered me; he put a smile on my face and peace in my heart. I will continue to use my truths to fight off Satan because he will come and come again to try and lay worry and fear on me but he will be defeated, he will not win this battle. God has my heart, he has my hope and my faith and I will continue to voice my truths, I will not be quiet!

I have also asked my Husband to do Bible study with me. It is important for us to both have Hope and Faith in God. And what better way to defeat Satan then together!"

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