Saturday, August 10, 2013

Where Is Your Hope?

(Holding On to the Promises and Expectations)

Are you standing at the wishing well just “hoping” your dreams will come true?

Modern Hope vs Biblical Hope

You are tired.  You are worn out.  You feel defeated and whether or not you want to admit it, you are angry at God and feel that He has abandoned you.  You question why this is happening to you and you question why He is allowing it to happen at all.  But through it all you have to remember it is NOT God’s fault.  He created all mankind to be fruitful and to multiply.  If there is a sickness in your body that is causing you to be infertile then the source of your anger needs to be directed towards Satan.  He roams the earth looking for people to kill, steal from and destroy.  You must not put up with His schemes but rather put a stop to His schemes.  You can start doing this by putting your hope in God. 

Two Different Types of Hope:  Which One Do You Have?
1.  Modern hope:  to wish for, to expect but without certainty of the fulfillment, to desire very much but with no real assurance of getting your desire.

·        Think of this type of hope as a “wishing well”  You throw your “prayers”  to God, but your “hope” is with the thoughts that He might answer, He might hear, or He might come to your rescue. 

·        Modern hope lacks faith and according to Hebrews 11:6, faith pleases God and releases His power into your situation

2.  Biblical hope:  A strong, joyful and confident expectation that what you desire WILL come to reality

·        Biblical hope depends on knowing the Word of God and His promises for you as a believer

·        Biblical hope depends on knowing (without doubt) God’s character

Four Benefits of Having Hope in God:
Hope in God changes how you see yourself

·        I am fruitful
·        I am NOT barren
·        God is for me and not against me
·        God created me to multiply
·        God loves me and does not show favoritism
·        I am healed!

Hope  in God gives you joy and peace in the situation you are facing 

·        When we consider Him faithful and are hopeful in His promises, you can have joy and peace that He will do what He says He will do.  We can REST (not worry, stress, strive in our own efforts)

            Hope  in God gives you protection from the enemy

·        If we know God’s character and know without a shadow of a doubt He will fulfill His promises then you will not be defeated by the enemy.
·        God will never leave you, nor forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6)
·        God will always come to aid in times of trouble
·        Hope propels you to having faith and according to Ephesians 6:16, faith is the shield that protects you from all of the flaming arrows of the evil one
     Hope  in God gives you strength, courage and boldness

·        Knowing the Promises of God gives you hope and you will have the strength, courage and boldness to stand up to the devil, as well as, to others who may try to tell you to give up or that it is not God’s Will. 

·        Hope in God’s character gives us strength on the days when we don’t feel like we can go any further because we know “He who promised is faithful” according to Hebrews 10:23

In the Bible, hope is never a passive thing.  It is dynamic, active, and life sustaining.  Hope doesn’t leave you idle, drifting, or just rocking on the front porch.  Once we have biblical Hope in God and His Word, our biblical hope will turn to faith.   

Hope is the first step in receiving our “desires” from God.  Faith is the second step.   Once you have biblical hope and faith that God’s promises WILL come to a reality in your life, you will be put into gear. As a result, you will act and speak differently.

   You WILL act differently

·        You will act out your faith by preparing for a nursery, purchasing baby toys, baby clothes, stocking up on baby wipes or diapers

·        Not walk around worried, downcast, doubtful, anxious, annoyed

   You WILL speak differently

According to 2 Corinthians 4:13 (NIV), “I believed; therefore I have spoken.  With that same spirit of faith we also believe and therefore speak.”

·        You will speak with authority to the devil (not just accept your illness, disease or whatever is causing our infertility)

·        You will speak positive words.  For example, I am fruitful, I am healed, and I will have children (instead of “if I have children…)

Remember Proverbs 18: 21 (NIV) says, “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”  You prophesy over your life every time you speak.  What are you saying? 

QUESTION:  So where is your hope today?  Is it in the one who never changes...God and His promises?  Or is it in the newest diet, vitamins, medical procedures, or doctor's report?  God is saying to you right now LOOK TO ME!   SEEK ME!  I AM all you need!  I am the SOURCE of hope!

  • Lamentations 3:25 (NIV) “The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him.”

  • Mathew 6:33 (NIV)”But seek first his kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”  

Take away thought:

           Too often we “hope “in God like he is a “wishing well”.  But God is looking for us to have “biblical hope”…hope that is confident that he will do what he says he will do.  If we think “he might do it for me” and not have hope + faith in him then how can we expect him move in our lives?  For without hope God has nothing for which faith can make a reality.  If you have “modern hope” of which is “wishy washy” then you can’t  have solid faith in God, His character, and His promises.

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